While there is no i way or guaranteed way to forestall someone from abusing drugs and alcohol, there are things that everyone can practise to preclude substance corruption.

Here are the acme five ways to prevent substance abuse:

1. Empathize how substance abuse develops.Substance abuse starts by:

  • Using addictive drugs (illicit or prescribed) for recreational purposes
  • Seeking out intoxication every time you utilize
  • Abusing prescription medication

2. Avoid Temptation and Peer Pressure.Develop healthy friendships and relationships by avoiding friends or family unit members who force per unit area you lot to use substances. It's often said "nosotros become most similar those we surround ourselves by," meaning if yous surround yourself with people who corruption drugs and alcohol you are more likely to likewise. Peer pressure is a major part of life for teens and adults. If yous are looking to stay drug costless develop a adept way to just say no, prepare a good excuse or program ahead of time to go on from giving into peer pressure.

3. Seek help for mental illness. Mental disease and substance corruption often go mitt in hand. If you are dealing with a mental illness such as anxiety, depression or post-traumatic stress disorder you should seek professional assistance from a licensed therapist or advisor. A professional will provide you with salubrious coping skills to alleviate your symptoms without turning to drugs and alcohol.

4. Examine the take a chance factors. Look at your family history of mental affliction and addiction, several studies accept shown that this disease tends to run in the family unit, but tin be prevented. The more yous are aware of your biological, environmental and physical risk factors the more likely you are to overcome them.

5. Keep a well-balanced life. People often turn to drugs and booze when something in their life is missing or non working. Practicing stress direction skills can help you overcome these life stressors and will help you lot live a balanced and healthy life.

Develop goals and dreams for your future. These volition aid you focus on what y'all want and help you realize that drugs and alcohol will simply arrive the style and hinder you from achieving your goals.

Share these tips for fugitive and preventing substance abuse with your friends and family unit and help promote a healthier lifestyle gratis from addiction.

Sources:National Plant on Drug Abuse: http://www.drugabuse.govHigher up the Stress: http://www.abovetheinfluence.com SAMHSA:https://www.samhsa.gov/brss-tacs/recovery-back up-tools/youth-young-adults.